Laughs: Counseling and Abrasive Adolescents

“At the main office, the teacher thanked me for coming and stated with vigor, “He’s the most oppositional and disrespectful kid I’ve ever seen. His parents are monsters and I can never finish anything in my classroom with him around!” I ensured the teacher that this was not my first crisis call and that I was well prepared to deal with a 6-year old. Eh, maybe he was 5. It doesn’t matter. I only ever took one childhood development class in college, so 5 or 6, who cares?” [646 words]

The Holidays are Coming: Should you give your racist family the time of day?

“Their crime is hardly in daily microaggressions or misgendering, but in empowering nationalist bigots like Stephen Miller and Miller’s erection for white nationalism, who has actively worked to create policies to harm and create second class citizens of minority populations. Your relatives allowed this to happen and made a grave error. When you make mistakes, there are repercussions.” [444 words]

Change is Coming Soon: Consumer Advocacy

“I started this blog in April 2019. I’ve been posting as frequently as I can, and continue to strive toward advocating for improving your quality of life. I’ve written about deeply personal experiences, advocated for workers’ rights, and touched on religion. I’ve explored satire and politics.”

On Faith & Rosh Hashana

His followers have a strong faith in God, but God doesn’t exist. Have I further embraced Atheism as a way to counter the wrongs in this country — the wrongs of the religious right wing? Their beliefs put myself and my friends in danger and it’s used under the guise of “religious freedom”. I haven’t believed in God since my Bar Mitzvah. I tried.

Devil-May-Care III: Stars and Bars in New Mexico

“Was there any way to convince this man with a confederate flag tattoo of logic or reason that Barack Obama was not a communist? What point does it hold to inform a coal miner that the work they do is destroying the planet? How could one ever convince an ignoramus that homeless individuals don’t use drugs when all they see are tents filled with ne’er do wells and dregs of society?”

What kind of Border Camps are They: Who are We?

There’s been a lot of talk about the diction of the “immigrant child detention centers” used to house hopeful families at the southern United States border. The left wing feels that concentration camps" is acceptable. Meanwhile the right wing feels that concentration camps is an unacceptable term. So, what do we call such facilities where families are separated and some neglected to the point of death?

Stop Lyin', Sarah!

“America’s favorite press secretary (next to good ol’ Sean Spicy) has finally handed in her resignation and will be relinquishing her command. While most of Sanders’ job consists of lying and making up shit, Sanders certainly deserves a shout-out for being the third woman ever to fill the position. Good for you, Sarah! America will miss you as much as Mike Pence loves third trimester abortions.” [454 more words]

On Abortion

“That said, FUCK ALABAMA. Fuck those inbred irredeemably racist semi-literate hog fuckers.
Fuck them. Fuck their abortion ban. Of all the fucking people that - at the least - need an incest exception in an anti-abortion law. Fuck them!”

Ignorance, Violence, and Mental Health

“I spent two hours arguing with a father of an ER patient. The mother of the 13 year old brought her into the ER for throwing her own feces at her siblings. I thought to myself, well, this is gonna be an easy one. She’s getting committed, but things went south once her father arrived.” [405 more words]