The Pacific Northwest I: Museum of Anthropology
Seattle and Vancouver are must-see cities for Millennials. They’re incredibly ripe with culture, great eats, craft beer, and friendly people. I was greeted by other walkers more than the past four years in LA. Most destinations are accessible via public transportation — a rarity for us Angelinos. No car required! We crossed the Canadian border in record time and saved a pretty penny by flying into SeaTac. Michael and I stayed at our friends’ lovely condo on Lake Washington. In Vancouver, we enjoyed the Samesun hostel. The hostel boasted a free breakfast and a melting pot of travelers in their bar, “The Beaver”.
There’ll be more photos of Stanley Park, Pike Place Market, and my adventures to come in the next post. I’ll also be writing about my experience eating at “The Dark Table”, a restaurant where you eat in total darkness. I really enjoyed getting to see Seattle and Vancouver — and crossing into Canada for the first time.
Here’s some pictures I took at the Museum of Anthropology in Vancouver.
Zombie Dude
Hungarian(?) Decoration
All the masks
Ceremonial mask
Buddha — or Buddhist figure
The world rests on top of a turtle and the raven torments us
Samurai armor
Now that’s a knife!
Hungarian or Russian
Supposedly strong enough to stop a bullet
Woven motorcycle