King David's Favorite Quarantine Activities

King David's Favorite Quarantine Activities

It’s been 34 days since I started the quarantine. I haven’t gone to a bar, sat down at a restaurant, or gone to the movies since…Well, I don’t really remember. I can tell you the amount of days since I dined at Pal’s Brewery in North Platte, Nebraska, but that seems trivial now. Our lives have drastically changed and we’ve been forced to radically update our behaviors. I find myself with no energy some days and there are days I really just want to catch up on anxiety-ridden sleep. Other days, I find meaningful activities, my favorites being cooking, gaming, and reading.

My anxiety’s frequently higher than average as an already anxious person. I’m down some of the time, but quarantine isn’t all bad moments. I’ve had depression for most of my life and there are much longer periods than this quarantine where I’ve felt down, unmotivated, or hopeless.  For introverts like me, this lockdown isn’t that bad. Relating to the recent orange county beachgoers is impossible for me. The beach is nice, but weekly zoom calls with friends are sufficient. Hiking would be an activity a solitary activity I’d enjoy, but the trails are closed. As of now, I walk around my neighborhood, sit outside, watch the sunset, and write.

Anyway, here’s what I’ve found to be beneficial during the COVID-19 pandemic. The following are rated from “least effort” to “most effort”. If you can only muster up the strength to do the first two suggestions, fuck it, who cares? I’m not your spiritual guru. This is YOUR quarantine life.

1. Enjoy the View and Grab a Strong Beverage

Over the past week, I’ve been sitting outside on my patio, watching the sunset. I’ve brought out books to read as the light dims, taken barrages of selfies and written terrible poetry. Learning about Hemingway’s prose fascinates me as well as his distinctiveness among early 20th century writers. As the late author’s substance-induced writing dictates, I’ve introduced the official King David summer drink, vodka pineapple with lime [1 part vodka, 2 parts pineapple juice, lime wedge]. This is a great drink to waste away, contemplating nihilism during quarantine, or having an existential meltdown or a much needed cry. If you’re feeling a bit more upbeat or prefer to maintain your sobriety, iced tea is a good alternative. Bring a sketchpad, notebook, or laptop outside, and start doing. This activity always makes me feel better.

2. Walk (Ambulate) Every Day

The temperature’s rising out here in Southern California, so I’ve had to move some of my walks to the evening. When I can, I put on my bandana and check out local spots in my neighborhood. During the day, I’ve been walking around 2 miles. With work’s cold grasp far in the distance, there’s no penalty for taking a “long lunch”. On these walks, I’ve discovered new businesses, a train station, a number of new restaurants to try after they reopen, and even a small historical museum. It doesn’t matter how long you walk, but try and make 30 minutes a habit. Walking or ambulating daily allows you to clear your mind and take a break from the electronics we worship. It promotes good health and can help change the way you think about things. Who knows? Maybe your neighbor will say hello to you!

3. Cook New Meals

I’ve tried preparing a number of different meals. I’m fortunate enough to be able to splurge a bit on groceries having my favorite watering holes closed. Some of my favorites have been from this Canadian YouTuber. I’ve really enjoyed making the “roasted shrimp in spicy saute recipe”, stemming from a depression era cookbook. I also had a chance to try the ground beef and cabbage soup. The IKEA meatballs sparked my curiosity and that may be my next recipe from Glen and Friends Cooking. “Authentic” fried rice is a recipe I helped make and is also surprisingly easy to make. If you’re not sure what to cook, google “easy recipes”. It’s important to have fun cooking and to learn something new.

4. Exercise

Exercise is tough. Going to the gym was hard enough, but now you have to discover new ways to exercise without the use of weights or elliptical. There’s a great resource out there once again. Boomers call it, “The YouTube”. Initially, I started incorporating my former karate master’s workout, focusing on core, chest, and legs into my routine. Then, I added a bit more for strengthening my back. You can complete these two workouts in under 30 minutes. Every other day, I try and devote around 30 minutes to quarantine exercise and 30 minutes to walking. Both of these activities really help my mood and encourage me to cook as well. There’s millions of yoga videos out there, too!

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